Strength and Conditioning 011315

Skills, gymnastics:

4×0:20 Seated Pike Stretch

3 Attempts at Max Effort L-Sit on Parallettes (use boxes if you don’t own parallettes, or use rings. May also do floor L sit lifts)

3×0:40 30 Degree Handstand Hold


5X1 Hang Clean + Jerk – work to a max complex for the session (no more than 5 heavy attempts), rest 2:00

Hang start position will be kneecap


4 rounds for time of:

:30 second Chin and Toes HS Hold against wall ( RX+ 30′ HS Walk)
12 Thrusters 95/65#
9 Hang Power Snatches 95/65#

Strength and Conditioning Monday 011215


5X1 Hang Snatch (start with bar at kneecap) – work to a max single for the day (no more than 5 attempts), rest 2:00


4 rounds for total working time of:

15 Burpees
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (your chest must actually touch the bar)
10 Burpees
15 Push Press @ 95/65#
5 Burpees

Weekend Track Work 011015-011115

Alright, it’s the weekend!

Let’s get outside and work that track!

Here’s a little something for you:

16x 100m sprint

Break them up into 4 sets of 4 at a time with a skip rest.

ex: 100m run

skip back (this is your rest)


then 3:00 break

repeat 4x (total of 16 sprints)

Thursday 010815 Strength and Conditioning

Mobility, Skill, Technique:

4×0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch

2×1:00 Hands and Feet Hollow Hold

0:30 Chin to Toes HS Hold
20 Shoulder Shrugs
20 Shoulder Taps
20 Straight Arm Hip Taps

Power Snatch: 5X1 – work to a max single for the day, rest as needed


3 Rounds, 1:00 at each movement, no rest between stations:

Hang Clean (full) 95/65#
Wall Walk (or HS Walk)
Burpee Box Jump
Push Press 95/65#

Wednesday 010715 Strength and Conditioning


7X2 Paused Back Squats (3 count pause at absolute rock-bottom depth while maintaining tension)


15 Power Snatches 95/65#
30 Lateral Hurdle Jumps (over bar)
12 Power Snatches 105/75#
30 Lateral Hurdle Jumps (over bar)
12 TTB
9 Power Snatches 115/85#
30 Lateral Hurdle Jumps (over bar)
15 TTB

20:00 Time Cap.

Tuesday 010615 Strength and Conditioning

Technique and skill:

Handstand Hamstring Stretch 4×0:20

0:30 Chin to Toes Handstand Hold
20 Shoulder Shrugs
20 Shoulder Taps
20 Straight Arm Hip Taps

3×8 Small Tap Swing Levers


5X1 Hang Clean + Jerk – work to a max single for the day


1) ME Double Unders in 2:00

*Rest exactly 5:00 between 1 & 2.

2) 8:00 AMRAP of:

8 C2B Pullups
12 (alternating) Front Rack Barbell Step-ups 24/20″ @ 95/65#
24 Push Press 95/65#

Back in action for 2015!

Alright gang, I know I’ve been MIA for a bit.  Sometimes life and family call and something takes a hit… which happened to be my blogging.  SORRY!!!

Anyway, new year, everyone has new goals and a new commitment!  Gotta love that!  Here’s a little kickstarter for you!

Food…..  We all had our holiday fun, including myself, and now it is time to get back on track!  I woke up at the crack of dawn today, hit a class for fun and drove myself to Sprouts for some shopping!  All before 8am!

Here is what I got…

fresh deli meat, no nitrates etc…

rice cakes

ground chicken



brussel sprouts


steel cut oats


egg whites

almond butter packets…. keeps me from eating the jar

bacon… yes, its necessary

protein powder packets… I am the worst at doing shakes, I really want to but the only protein I can eat tastes gross most of the time so I skip it.  But I need more protein daily.

sparkly water



sweet potatoes


applegate GF breakfast patties (chicken and apple)

I came home and immediately started my prep!  IF I can do it, you can too!  Post to comments your favorite meal!


Technique and balance:

3×8 PVC Raises, work on raising the PVC higher with each attempt throughout your set of 8, perform slow and controlled.

2x 1:00 Chin to Toes HS Hold + 20 Shoulder Shrugs

2×8 Pull-Up Levers


5X1 Snatch from the hang (just above knee)


Alternating EMOM for 14:00-

Even: 10 6″ Target Burpees
Odd: 12 Wall Balls 20/14#


Warm Up:

3 Min. Double Under Skill

50 Ft Bear Crawl

50 Ft Crab Walk

20 Reverse Lunges

10 Push Ups

Shoulder Mobility



Hang Clean

Metabolic Conditioning:

3 Rounds

15 Air Squats (butt to wallball)

15 Hang Cleans (95/55)

15 Push Ups

15 Pull Ups

Cash Out:

100 Spiderman Planks